Glue-Snap ABS Inclinometer Casing


Glue-Snap ABS Inclinometer Casing | Model 6400

Model 6400 Glue-Snap ABS Inclinometer Casing is used in conjunction with an inclinometer probe or in-place inclinometer system to monitor the stability of embankments, slopes, foundation and excavation walls, piles, etc. The Model 6400 is flush-coupled allowing for quick and easy assembly.


  • Maximum O.D.¹: 70 mm
  • Wall Thickness: 5.5 mm
  • Length: 1.5 or 3 m
  • Telescoping Coupling
    609 mm (extended length)
    457 mm (compressed length)

¹85 mm O.D. casing available on request.


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